

In another era, we were a white-label product to your everyday beauty-wellness service provider. We saw the potential in the complex process of looking your best. After all, we knew what didn't work (and what worked well), so in 2022 the product akub was founded to streamline the efforts we all stress over when looking for professional help. Today we are building out from the Swedish market. But our sights are set on global penetration - actualizing a core Pan-African catalogue of beauty-wellness businesses. Our focus is and has always been what we do best; Simple and Safe reservations.

For You

business owner

Someone who books online gets their treatment and pays in the app. Before and after treatments, seamless payments have just taken place cashlessly. You have given yourself and your customer a safe and straightforward reservation experience. For you, it is just bettering your craft. A luxury of time akub provides you whether you are small, medium or large.

Choosing akub is safe. Anyone who reserves and pays with akub consciously decides when and what they desire with little to no back-and-forth convo, plus "you- incur no cost on your end". And you, the business owner, get a reservation partner to trust. Because even if it is just reservations. It's so much more.



akub's mission is "to offer SMEs a reliable growth partner for the most pressing business needs of customer acquisitions, schedule management and real-time payments; while leading the way for socially conscious consumerization."


Confidence Jackmay

Managing Director/CTO

"akub's vision and mission began with him. Jackmay is a proficient full-stack software engineer. In fact, he built our first MVP in a month without breaking a sweat and he still runs our product development. He is full of passion and a compassionate dude. "


Myriam-Bella Gohimbare

Global Marketing Officer (GMO)

"She is a force of nature. Myriam brings aesthetics, swagger and vibes to the akub brand. She is a digital marketing expert and a wizard at strategizing and executing marketing campaigns. Friendly and easy-going, she makes you feel at ease."


Hawa N'doo

Client/Comms Manager

"It was she who inspired akub's products. Hawa runs one of the best-known African beauty salons in Stockholm (African Magic) and is actively involved in akub as a founding member."


Nikolas Brolin

Legal/Angel Investor

"It takes a lot of courage to back a new startup. But he did and he came in at a very early stage. Niklas cofounded and runs QCC Management AB a company which plays a vital role for hundreds of active businesses in Sweden"

Get in touch

Gamla Brogatan 27, Stockholm, Sweden



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